Fifty one mineral exploration projects worth over 419 crore rupees have been approved this year by National Mineral Exploration Trust.

In a release, the Mines Ministry said that Geological Survey of India has taken up a total of 358 Mineral Exploration Projects this year.

In a bid to strengthen the supply chain of critical minerals in the country, the government has launched the first auction process for twenty-four critical and strategic minerals.

The Ministry has streamlined the rules and provisions of District Mineral Foundation (DMF) effective implementation of Pradhan Mantri Khanij Kshetra Kalyan Yojana. Efforts have been made to include private sector and latest technology into mineral exploration and processing.

The Centre has also introduced key policy measures and amendments including Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulations) Amendment Act, 2023 and Offshore Area Minerals (Development and Regulations) Amendment Act, 2023.

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