In a grand Samman Samaroh organized to mark the Independence Day on 15th August at the Civic Centre, Mr. Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge, RSP handed over the Srujani Rolling Trophy to the Special Plate Plant for the year 2023-24. Mr. Kartikeya Behera, CGM (NPM & SPP) and Mr. Dr. Prasanta Kumar Padhi, General Manager In-Charge and the team received the award.

The Srujani Rolling Trophy for the Second Best Department was bagged by New Plate Mill. The team led by Mr. Kartikeya Behera, received the award. Hot Strip Mill – I and II were the recipient of the Srujani Rolling Trophy for the Third Best Department. Mr. Ranjit Kujur, GM (HSM-II) and the team accepted the award on behalf of the Department.

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The three best Srujani Coordinator awards in the order of merit were won by Mr. Santosh Kumar Pattanayak, AGM(SPP), Subhajit Pramanik, DGM, Shops (RS(M)) and Mr. Himanshu Mishra, Senior Manager (EMD). The First, Second and Third prize winners received a cash award of Rs. 5,000, Rs. 4,000 and Rs. 3,000 respectively along with the Gift Voucher and a certificate of merit.

Under the best Suggestor category Mr. Pradeep Kumar Mohanta, MOMT (SPP) was conferred with the Dr. B R Ambedkar Best Suggestor Award comprising a cash award of Rs. 10,000, a Gift Voucher, one set Salem Steel travelling set and a certificate of merit.

Dr. B R Ambedkar Second Best Suggestor award was conferred upon 6 employees, namely Mr. Umakanta Sahoo, MOMT (SPP), Mr. Manoj Kumar Pradhan, Junior Manager (Pipe Plant), Mr. Arupananda Pradhan, OCT (NPM), Mr. Sanjay Kumar Panda, Senior Technician (EMD), Mr. Dileep Chandra Yadav, AGM (C&IT) and Mr. Chitrasen Jena, Junior Manager (Town Engineering – Electrical).

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The prize comprised a cash award of Rs. 5,000, a Gift Voucher, one set Salem Steel travelling set and a certificate of merit.

It is worth mentioning here that the Srujani Creativity Scheme of RSP motivates employees to contribute creative suggestions to improve the systems and procedures in respective area of work apart from improving safety, housekeeping and overall performance.

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