Asansol (IP News).  On the 70 Glorious year of Chittaranjan Locomotive Work (CLW) , the PR deptt has organised an exhibition from 13th to 14th January 2020 at Technical Training centre, showcasing the development of CLW from its inception from 1950. Various models of old steam locomotives ,like model of James Watt loco; Stephenson loco; WT and WG loco built by CLW are put on display. Rare photographs of 1950s during the construction period like; Important dignitaries who visited CLW during 1950s to 1960s, i.e, Dr Rajendra Prasad, Dr S. Radhakrishnan , Lal Bahadur Shastri, Dalai lama, Bulganin , Khrushchev, Marshal Tito etc. are also shown. The transition of CLW from production of Steam loco to Diesel and then to Electric loco from 1950s till date with photographs of each type of Locomotives produced , are also put on display. One panel exclusive for the staff while performing their work and specially the women employees in CLW are displayed . There are about 12 panels on which the development of CLW are being showcased .
The footfall in the exhibition was excellent . Sr Officers of CLW and students of various school visited the exhibition and had appreciated the information provided to the general publics.

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