CIL Head Office
CIL Head Office

Nagpur, 9th March : Joint Convention under the banner of Federation of Coal Industry Retired Employees Association Nagpur in presence of 5 deligates / Federate Members attended from Bilaspur, Chhindwara, Kerala Dhanbad, Asansol, & Kolkata on 9th march at Rabindra Tirtha Newtown Kolkata in presence of 52 retirees.

BOT Member Rakesh Kumar ( HMS UNION) & Nominated executive Members of INMF( INTUC) by S Q ZAMA,  Dilip Majumdar, kolkata attended and shared their respective Valuable suggestions for the survival of coal pensioners.

Decision taken: 

  • President, FCIREA will be requested to take up the issue of enhancement of meager CMPS pension with UNION Minister of Coal GOI
  • For extending medical facilities ( under CPRMSE and CPRMS-NE) & other vital issues may please be taken up before Revered Chairman CIL & CMD/ SCCL by FCIREA
  • To take up the issues related to ECL,BCCL, CCL, SECL, MCL NCL & WCL FCIREA will hold meeting with respective CMD in presence of nearby Federate of FCIREA.
  • Respective Federate of FCIREA will place the issues before Revered JCC members and request for holding formal discussion with Respective CMD in presence of Federate.
  • Again all Respected JBCCI/ APEX JCC/ BOT ( CMPF/ CPRMS-NE) will be requested for To take up the issue for simplification of process of getting medical treatment.
  • Enhancement of Fixed Corpus under CPRMSE and CPRMS-NE.
  • Enhancement of Fixed Corpus against domiciliary treatment under CPRMSE and start amount against domiciliary treatment under CPRMS-NE.
  • OPD treatment at non Empanelled / NABH/ CGHS Hospitals as per CGHS rates under CPRMS-NE.
  • Allow Cashless treatment at all Company’s Hospitals ( as OPD& Indoor patient).
  • Free Medical treatment/ medicines for all pensioners, not having any medical cards.
  • Reimbursement against medical bills within 45days on submission of Claim, online also.
  • Uniform medical cards for all with Company’s LOGO “.
  • Allow Reimbursement of medical treatment/ medicines used by members after post operation/ treatment for Critical diseases and not to deduct from Fixed Corpus under CPRMSE and CPRMS-NE.
  • Sanction of Rs0ne lakh instead of Rs50000/ FY under CPRMS-NE.
  • Sanction of Rs20lakh to all eligible seperated Employees wef 1.1.2016 as per Gratuity Act 1972.

BOT Member ( CMPF) has been requested for :

  • Place the issue of enhancement of meager CMPS pension adding DA commensurate with AICPI.
  • Fix up minimum pension Rs10000 pm.
  • Against gazette notification, pensioners getting monthly Pension under Coal Mines Family Pension Scheme 1971 and remaining pensioners ( 68000) must be paid wef 1.3.24 on & before 31.3.25.
  •  Revised PPO- all pensioners retired wef 1.4.1994 be issued Revised PPO, as all data’s transferred by SBI Nodal Bank to CMPFO Dhanbad in june2023 and as per order of Addl Commissioner CMPFO Dhanbad vide his letter no 565 dated 14.9.23 addressed to all Regional Commissioners to generate 256000 Revised PPO within 14.10.2023, but not implemented.
  • All pending widow Pension received upto 31.12.2024 be settled within 31.3.2025.
  • Online claim for widow Pension be accepted.
  • CMPF PORTAL be activated for all pensioners to their respective issues related to pension.
  • Updating of 17000 life certificates to restart the monthly Pension stopped since march 2023.
  • Allow two representatives of Federate of Coal Industry Retired Employees Association Nagpur in BOT( CMPF & CPRMS-NE) as represented by the President of FCIREA to Secretary of Coal, GOI in last year.
  • Website Designing