The Executives and employees who superannuated from the Company’s service on 31st July 2024 were accorded fond farewell at SAIL, Rourkela Steel Plant.

In a function organised in Manthan Conference Hall, Mr. Atanu Bhowmick, Director In-Charge presented the Service Certificate and token gift to Mr. Amarendra Nath Mishra, CGM (Projects). Present on the occasion were Mr. S R Suryawanshi, ED (Works), Mr. Tarun Misra, ED (HR) with Additional Charge of ED (Projects), Mr. A K Behuria, ED (F&A), Chief General Managers, and Other Senior Officers of the Plant.

The DIC and other Senior Officers praised Mishra’s deft technical acumen and gentle demeanour which earned him widespread acceptance. His role in the commissioning of Hot Strip Mill- 2 was highly commended by all. Mr. Mishra in turn thanked the top Management and his junior colleagues for their support and co-operation which helped him all along. The function was coordinated by Mr. S Badapanda, GM (HR-OD) and Ms. Simpi Patel, Deputy Manager (HR-OD).

38 employees who superannuated from the Company’s service on 31st July were accorded fond farewell in a functions held at Ispat English Medium School Auditorium, Sector – 20. The spouses of the employees were also present on the occasion. Mr. P K Swain, CGM (TA & CSR), was the Chief Guest of the programme and presented gifts and service certificates to the superannuating employees.

Mr. G R Dash, GM (HR- IR, ER, C, T&M), was the Guest of Honour. Mr. Shiba Prasad Majhi, Junior Officer (HR) welcomed the gathering and proposed a formal vote of thanks. Ms. Jyoti Oreya, Senior Manager (HR) and Mr. K K Parida, Labour Inspector (HR) coordinated the function along with the HR- Welfare team.

In Bolani Ore Mines Mr. Narendra Nath Mohanta (AGM) was given a fond farewell at a functions organised at Mount Club. Mr. Joydev Chattopadhyay, CGM (BOM) handed over the gifts and service certificates to the superannuating employees. Mr. S Patra, Junior Officer (HR-BOM) coordinated the function.

Departmental farewell functions were also organised in various Departments to bid adieu to the employees who superannuated after rendering decades of service to the organisation.

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